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What Comes Next?: A forum on the end of the two-state paradigm


Publisher:  Mondoweiss
Year Published:  2013  
Resource Type:  Article

"What Comes Next?: A forum on the end of the two-state paradigm" was initiated by Jewish Voice for Peace as an investigation into the current state of thinking about one state and two state solutions, and the collection has been further expanded by Mondoweiss to mark 20 years since the beginning of the Oslo peace process.



1. Even one state may not be enough, by Noura Erakat
2. Unlikely, unrealistic, or unimaginable?, by Joel Beinin
3. Working without a political framework, by Nadia Hijab
4. The Jewish/Palestinian Diaspora, by Marc Ellis
5. We need a rights-based movement with a political vision, by Haidar Eid
6. Once the one-state reality in Israel/Palestine is recognized, the basis for a comprehensive peace will be clear, by Chris Toensing
7. Rights, not 'arrangements', by Phyllis Bennis
8. A secular democratic state in historic Palestine – a promising land, by Omar Barghouti
9. A manifesto for the Jewish-Palestinian Arabic-Hebrew state, by Udi Aloni
10. If the goal is to change U.S. policy, American Jewish opinion can't be ignored, by Norman G. Finkelstein
11. A new generation will rise to inspire, unify and liberate, by Abir Kopty
12. The one state/two state debate is irrelevant as Israel and the US consolidate Greater Israel, by Noam Chomsky
13. Strategy before solutions, by Mouin Rabbani
14. We must enter a new Israeli discourse based in equality, justice and freedom, by Avraham Burg
15. We need the courage to do away with existing institutions, policies, and paradigms, by Dinna Omar
16. The musings of a Two-Stater, by Peter Weiss
17. The future bends toward equal rights, by Ahmed Moor
18. Why secularism fooled me into thinking the two-state solution was likely (and ironically, why religion could make it so), by Michael Desch
19. One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State, by Emily W. Schaeffer
20. Struggle, or solutions?, by Max Ajl
21. Liberating Israelis and Palestinians, by Mazin Qumsiyeh
22. A one-state reality and a two-state discourse, by Noam Sheizaf
23. The struggle we are fighting for is the right to assert what our life will look like, Frank Barat interviews Leila Farsakh and Noura Erakat
24. Interview with Dr. Haidar Eid: 'The Palestinian struggle is not about independence — it is about liberation', David Letwin interviews Dr. Haidar Eid
25. Towards a bi-national end-game in Palestine/Israel, by Jeff Halper
26. Five Palestine futures, by Richard Falk


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