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Curators: Experts and Sources
Sources Directory - Subject Index

News Releases

Excellence at the National Gallery of Canada
Terms like #the good# and #excellent# have been used to exclude minorities and perpetuate a dominant monoculture. NGC#s current mandate of #excellence# raises serious questions about its ability to re...

Sources Select Resources

Curation Reference Manual
Contains advice, in-depth information and criticism on current digital curation techniques and best practice. The Manual is an ongoing, community-driven project, which involves members of the DCC comm...
The politics of display
The redesign of the Ashmolean in Oxford provides a chance to reflect on how we understand the meaning of collections
Hall, James
The Guardian
The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford is the oldest museum in Britain, founded in 1693. The institution has grown, thanks to a new postmodern building by architect Rick Mather. The open concept design of the...

Government Ministries & Agencies

National Gallery of Canada
Mandated to develop, maintain, and make known, throughout Canada and internationally, a collection of works of art, both historic and contemporary, with special, but not exclusive, reference to Canada...

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