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A More Just and Humane Criminal Justice System

Publisher:  Church Council on Justice and Corrections, Cowanville, Canada
Year Published:  1976  
Pages:  10pp  
Resource Type:  Article

Outline of the council's objectives, goals, history, and programme developments.

Abstract:  This ten page booklet outlines the objectives and goals of the Church Council on Justice and Corrections, its history and programme developments. Its goals are 1) to enter into dialogue with the Law Reform Commission of Canada on the moral issues involved. 2) Support people working in corrections by initiating study action projects ministering to a) chaplains through training and continuous education, b) inmates with a support system of volunteers, c) ex-inmates through self-help programmes, d) penitentiary staff by support and vocational programmes. 3) To publicize existing programmes. 4) Sensitize the public through volunteer groups, initiating and supporting education programmes related to corrections and issues of justice. 5) Identify needs of and support victims of crime. 6) Be a communication resource centre for those working in the field. Specific projects like the summer student study, Montreal Prevention and Rehabilitation Projects, Penitentiary staff Workshop and the Calgary Volunteer Project are described.

One project, Alternatives, is a National Community Education Programme (NCEP) that plans to challenge Canadians to feel responsible for and become involved in their criminal-justice system. It incorporates a three phase, bilingual plan of community education, study and participation. Write NCEP for contacts in your community.


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