How Sources magnifies your Internet visibility
Publisher: Sources, Toronto, Canada Year Published: 2009 First Published: 2006 Pages: 5pp Resource Type: Article
How the high Internet ranking of the Sources Web site helps magnify the public profile of organizations and companies who are listed in Sources.
Abstract: When you are in SOURCES, your media profile, including your expertise and your contact information, is there working for you whenever a reporter turns to SOURCES, as they do thousands of times every week. More than four thousand journalists a day use the SOURCES Web site to find the spokespersons they need. Every time they do, each one looks at an average of five or six listings to find the most appropriate contacts to call. In addition, more than 10,000 copies of the print edition of SOURCES are in use on journalists' desks. Every time they use Sources, in print or online, your media profile is right there, telling them about you.
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