The Age of Permanent Revolution A Trotsky Anthology
Deutscher, Isaac Publisher: Dell Year Published: 1964 Pages: 384pp Resource Type: Book
A collection of writings by Leon Trotsky.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
Biographical Note
1. Youth and First Exile: 1879-1905 On Optimism and Pessimism; on the 20th Century and on Many Other Issues The Proletariat and the Revolution
2. The Revolution of 1905 The Soviet of 1905 and the Revolution (Fifty Days) Speech to the Tsarist Court
3. Revolutionary Perspectives and Second Exile: 1906-1914 The Theory of the Permanent Revolution The New Resurgence
4. The First World War: 1914-1917 War and the International The Zimmerwald Manifesto
5. The 1917 Revolution The Law of Uneven and Combined Development Bolsheviks and Lenin Speech in the Soviet Against the Coalition Government Statement of Solidarity with the Bolshevik Leaders The Congress of the Soviet Dictatorship
6. The Red Army and the Civil War: 1918-1921 Infantry Regulations and Orders of the General Staff of the Revolution Terrorism in War and Revolution
7. The First Five Years Of The Communist International: 1919-1924 Thoughts on the Progress of the Proletarian Revolution
8. The Tasks Of Soviet Reconstruction: 1921-1926 Russia and the Capitalist World
9. The Struggle Against Stalinist Bureaucratism: 1923-1929 A Letter to Party Meetings Theses on Revolution and Counterrevolution Criticism of the Theory of "Socialism in One Country" The Soviet Thermidor
10. Europe: 1923-1940 Italy: How Mussolini Triumphed Germany: The Rise of Hitlerism The Cycle of Fascist Development The Crisis of German Capitalism The Tragedy of the German Proletariat What is National Socialism? France: At the Turning Point Spain: The Civil War
11. The English-Speaking World: 1917-1940 England: The Fabian Theory of Socialism The United States of America American Socialist Leaders The "Pacifist" Imperialism of the USA If America Should Go Communist Fascism and the New Deal The Future of the United States
12. The Colonial World: 1923-1940 Prospects and Tasks in the Far East The Second Chinese Revolution: 1925-1927 Open Letter to the Workers of India The Future of Latin America
13. The Fourth International: 1933-1940 The Death Agony of Capitalism The Second World War
14. The Moscow Trials: 1936-1938 I Stake My Life! The Why and wherefore of these Trials
15. The Degeneration Of The Russian Revolution And The Road To Its Regeneration Whither the Soviet Union? The USSR and the Problems of the Transitional Epoch Letter to the Workers of the USSR
16. The Masters Of Marxism Ninety years of the Communist Manifesto Lenin on his 50th Birthday
17. Questions Of Culture, Literature, Art, Morals The Struggle for Cultured Speech Culture and Socialism Literature and Revolution Tolstoy: Poet and Rebel Ends and Means in Morality
18. Science And Philosophy Dialectical Materialism and Science Radioactivity and Materialism The ABC of Materialist Dialectics
19. Trotsky's Testament
20. His Vision Of The Future
For Further Readings Of Trotsky's Works
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