Berkeley: The New Student Revolt
Draper, Hal http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/MIA/draper/1965/berkeley/index.htm http://www.marxists.org/archive/draper/1965/berkeley/index.htm
Publisher: Grove Books, New York, USA Year Published: 1965 Pages: 246pp Resource Type: Book
This story of the free speech uprising on the Berkeley campus of the University of California was begun in the conviction that an extraordinary event, in an historical sense, had taken place before our startled citizenry; and that it should be described for history as it was.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents:
Introduction by Mario Savio Foreword 1. A New Generation of Students 2. The Liberal Bureaucrat 3. Behind the Myth of Liberalization 4. The Myth: Two Showpieces 5. The Power Structure Triggers the Conflict 6. The Administration Clamps Off the Safety Valve 7. Whats Intellectual About Collecting Money? 8. The Clubs Fight Back 9. The First Sit-in and the Eight Suspensions 10. A Couple of Rebels 11. The Police-car Blockade Begins 12. Second Sit-in and the Greeks 13. Whose Law and Order? 14. You Cant Win! 15. The Pact of October 2 16. Enter Red-baiting 17. The FSM Is Formed 18. Some Lessons in Good Faith 19. Standoff on Free Speech 20. Hidden Battle over Civil Rights 21. Return to Direct Action 22. The Regents Throw a Time Bomb 23. The Abortive Sit-in 24. Back to the Wars 25. The Big Sit-in 26. The Governor Calls the Cops 27. The Occupation by the Police 28. The Student Strike Starts 29. The Faculty and the Strike 30. The Administration Plans a Coup 31. Classic Drama in the Greek Theater 32. The FSM at the Peak 33. The Story of a Rumor 34. The Victory at the Academic Senate 35. End of the Beginning 36. Before the Second Round 37. The Restoration Coup 38. The FSM in Crisis 39. Regents versus the University 40. Why? 41. The Non-Radicals 42. New Left Balance Sheet 43. The New Radicals and the Old Radicals
Voices from Berkeley
The Academic Senate's Motions of December 8 Academic Freedom and Student Political Activity (From "A Suggestion for Dismissal") An End to History by Mario Salvo The Free Speech Movement and Civil Rights by Jack Weinberg Are You All Right, Jack? (Graduate Coordinating Committee) The Mind of Clark Kerr by Hal Draper The Regents by Marvin Garson On Mounting Political Action by James Petras From the "FSM Newsletter" Do Not Fold, Bend, Mutilate or Spindle Catch-801 (Marvin Garson) Freedom Is A Big Deal (Barbara Garson) How to Observe Law and Order (Hal Draper) The Byrne Report to the Board of Regents Student Political Activities and the Civil Rights Revolution (from "A Suggestion for Dismissal") The Campus and the Constitution (Berkeley-Albany ACLU) The Position of the FSM on Speech and Political Activity (FSM)
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