Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 14 Marx and Engels 1855 - 1856
Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich
Publisher: Progress Publishers Resource Type: Book
Includes material on British politics and the Crimean War.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
Marx and Engels 1855-56
The Struggle in the Crimea (Engels) 3 Palmerston. - The Army (Marx & Engels) 8 From Parliament. - Gladstone at the Dispatch Box (Marx) 12 Lord Palmerston (Marx) 14 Herbert's Re-election. - The First Measures of the New Ministry. - News from India (Marx) 21 Parliament (Marx) 24 The Coalition between Tories and Radicals (Marx) 29 The War That Looms on Europe (Engels) 32 Parliamentary and Military Affairs (Marx & Engels) 40 On the New Ministerial Crisis (Marx) 43 Joseph Hume (Marx) 47 Palmerston (Marx) 49 The British Constitution (Marx) 53 Layard (Marx) 57 The Crisis in England (Marx) 59 The Buying of Commissions. - News from Australia (Marx) 63 The English Press on the Late Tsar (Marx) 67 On the History of the French Alliance (Marx) 69 The Committee of Inquiry (Marx) 73 The Brussels Mémoire (Marx) 76 Ireland's Revenge (Marx) 78 The Results in the Crimea (Engels) 81 Fate of the Great Adventurer (Engels) 86 Criticism of the French Conduct of the War (Marx & Engels) 90 Agitation against Prussia. - A day of Fasting (Marx) 94 A Meeting (Marx) 98 Reports from the English Press (Marx) 102 From Parliament (Marx) 104 Napoleon's Last Dodge (Engels) 109 A Battle at Sebastopol (Engels) 113 Some Observations on the History of the French Alliance (Marx) 118 Napoleon and Barbès.- The Newspaper Stamp (Marx) 121 The Committee of Inquiry (Marx) 124 The British Army (Marx) 128 Progress of the War (Engels) 132 The Situation in the Crimea (Engels) I36 A Scandal in the French Legislature.-Drouyn de Lhuys' Influence. The State of the Militia (Marx) 139 Prospect in France and England (Marx) 141 Napoleon's Apology (Engels) 146 The Siege of Sebastopol (Engels) 151 Germany and Pan-Slavism (Engels) 156 The European Struggle (Engels) 163 On the History of Political Agitation (Marx) 166 From Sebastopol (Engels) 110 Pianori. - Dissatisfaction with Austria (Marx) 177 The New Move in the Crimea (Engels) 180 The Morning Post versus Prussia.-The Character of the Whigs and Tories (Marx) 186 A Sitting of the House of Lords (Marx) 189 The Agitation Outside Parliament (Marx) 194 Questions of Finance (Marx) 198 The Crimean War (Engels) 201 On the Reform Movement (Marx) 208 A Critique of the Crimean Affair.-From Parliament (Marx) 211 The New French Commander (Engels) 215 Prologue at Lord Palmerston's.-Course of the Latest Events in the Crimea (Marx & Engels) 218 Parliamentary Reform.-The Break-off and Continuation of the Vienna Conference.-The So-Called War of Annihilation (Marx) 222 Disraeli's Motion (Marx) 227 From Parliament (Marx) 231 A Critique of Palmerston's Latest Speech (Marx) 237 The Association for Administrative Reform. - People's Charter (Marx) 240 Parliamentary (Marx) 245 From the Crimea (Engels) 249 A Critique of the Events in the Crimea (Engels) 253 The Great Parliamentary Debate (Marx) 257 Sebastopol (Engels) 260 Napoleon's War Plans (Engels) 267 Napier's Letters.-Roebuck's Committee (Marx) 273 The Debate on Layard's Motion- The War in the Crimea (Marx & Engels) 277 Prince Albert's Toast.-The Stamp Duty on Newspapers (Marx) 280 Eccentricities of Politics (Marx) 283 The Local War. - Debate on Administrative Reform. - Report of the Roebuck Committee, etc (Marx & Engels) 287 Announcement Concerning the Taking of Sebastopol.-From the Paris Bourse. - On the Massacre at Hango in the House of Lords (Marx) 292 The Mishap of June 18.-Reinforcements (Marx) 297 Anti-Church Movement.-Demonstration in Hyde Park (Marx) 302 Miscellaneous Reports (Marx) 308 From Sebastopol (Engels) 313 Miscellaneous Reports (Marx) 320 Agitation over the Tightening-up of Sunday Observance (Marx) 323 The Late Repulse of the Allies (Engels) 328 Clashes between the Police and the People.-The Events in the Crimea (Marx & Engels) 333 From Parliament.-Roebuck's and Bulwer's Motions (Marx) 337 From the Houses of Parliament.-Bulwer's Motion. - The Irish Question (Marx) 340 The Great Crimean Blunder (Engels) 344 Russell's Resignation.-The Events in the Crimea (Marx & Engels) 348 Russell's Dismissal (Marx) 352 From Parliament (Marx) 355 War Prospects (Engels) 358 From Parliament. - From the Theatre of War (Marx & Engels) 363 Palmerston. The Physiology of the Ruling Class of Great Britain (Marx) 367 Lord John Russell (Marx) 371 The Late Birmingham Conference (Marx) 394 The Armies of Europe (Engels) 401 General Simpson's Resignation. - From Parliament (Marx) 470 Commentary on the Parliamentary Proceedings (Marx) 472 The Military Forces against Russia (Marx) 476 The Poland Meeting (Marx) 477 On the Critique of Austrian Policy in the Crimean Campaign (Marx) 481 The Anglo-French War against Russia (Marx & Engels) 484 Events at the Theatres of War (Marx) 490 Napier's Letter (Marx) 493 Austria and the War (Marx) 495 The Punishment of the Ranks (Marx & Engels) 501 The Battle of the Chernaya (Engels) 504 Another British Revelation (Marx) 513 The Fall of Sebastopol (Engels) 519 O'Connor's Funeral (Marx) 524 Crimean Prospects (Engels) 525 Events in the Crimea (Marx & Engels) 531 The Commercial and Financial Situation (Marx) 5S4 The State of the War (Engels) 537 The Reports of Generals Simpson, Pelissier and Niel (Marx & Engels) 542 The Great Event of the War (Engels) 546 A Diplomatic Impropriety (Marx) 553 The Official Financial Report (Marx) 554 The Bank of France.-Reinforcements to the Crimea.-The New Field Marshals (Marx) 557 The Committee at Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Marx) 560 Progress of the War (Engels) 563 Aspects of the War (Engels) 569 The Russian Army (Engels) 575 Big Meeting in Support of Political Refugees (Marx) 581 Traditional English Policy (Marx) 584 The War in Asia (Engels) 588 The European War (Engels) 595 The American Difficulty.-Affairs of France (Marx) 599 The Fall of Kars (Marx) 605 The France of Bonaparte the Little (Marx) 615 The Fall of Kars (Marx) 621 Speech at the Anniversary of The People's Paper. Delivered in London, April 14, 1856 (Marx) 655 Prussia (Marx) 657 The House of Lords and the Duke of York's Monument (Marx) 662 To the Editor of The Free Press (Marx) 672 Kars Papers Curiosities (Marx) 673
From The Preparatory Materials Crimean War (Engels) 685
Appendices Austria's Weakness 689 Progress of the War 694
Notes and Indexes Notes 705 Name Index 704 Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature 795 Index of Periodicals 816 Subject Index 820 Glossary of Geographical Names 832
Illustrations Crimean War 1853-56. The Crimean Theatre 204-05 Crimean War 1853-56 The Siege of Sebastapol 330-31 Chart of the Battle of Chernaya (August 16, 1855) made by Engels 505 Crimean War 1853-56 The General Course of the War 598-99 Fragment of the first Page of Marx's notes for his articles on the fall of Kars 607 Engels' summary "Crimean War" 683