Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 16 Marx and Engels 1858 - 1860
Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/MIA/marx/works/cw/volume16/index.htm http://marx.libcom.org/works/cw/volume16/index.htm http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/cw/volume16/index.htm
Publisher: Progress Publishers Resource Type: Book
Mainly events in Europe.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
Marx and Engels 1858-60
1858 August The English Bank Act of 1844 (Marx) 3 Commercial Crises and Currency in Britain (Marx) 8 History of the Opium Trade (Marx) 13 September History of the Opium Trade (Marx) 17 Another Strange Chapter of Modern History (Marx) 21 The Anglo-Chinese Treaty (Marx) 28 British Commerce and Finance (Marx) 33 Mazzini's New Manifesto (Marx) 37 A New French Revolutionary Manifesto (Marx) 41 The British and Chinese Treaty (Marx) 46 October The Question of the Abolition of Serfdom in Russia (Marx) 51 The King of Prussia's Insanity (Marx) 54 Russian Progress in Central Asia 59 The King of Prussia's Insanity (Marx) 65 The Prussian Regency (Marx) 70 Affairs in Prussia (Marx) 74 Affairs in Prussia (Marx) 78 Russia's Successes in the Far East 82 Mr. John Bright (Marx) 87 November The Prosecution of Montalembert (Engels) 91 The New Ministry (Marx) 96 The New Ministry (Marx) 101 Affairs in Prussia (Marx) 106 Project for the Regulation of the Price of Bread in France (Marx) 110 Affairs in Prussia (Marx) 115 Europe in 1858 120 December Affairs in Prussia (Marx) 125 Question of the Ionian Islands (Marx) 129 The Excitement in Ireland (Marx) 114 The Emancipation Question (Marx) 139
I 139
II 144 1859 January On Italian Unity (Marx) 148 The War Prospect in Europe (Marx) 154 Affairs in Prussia (Marx) 158 The Money Panic in Europe (Marx & Engels) 162 Louis Napoleon's Position (Marx) 167 The French Army (Engels) 171 February German Resources for War (Engels) 177 The Austrian Hold on Italy (Engels) 183 The State of British Manufactures (Marx) 190 Chances of the Impending War (Engels) 197 March The New British Reform Bill (Marx) 202 The State of British Manufactures (Marx) 206 Po and Rhine (Engels) 211
I 215
II 218
III 241
IV 250 Peace or War (Marx) 256 A Sigh from the Tuileries (Marx) 258 The War Prospect in France (Marx) 261 The War Prospect in Prussia (Marx) 267 A Historic Parallel (Marx) 271 April The Proposed Peace Congress (Engels) 274 Great Trouble in Indian Finances (Marx) 279
I 279
II 283 War Inevitable (Engels) 287 The Proposed Peace Congress (Marx) 290 The State of the Question.-Germany Arming (Marx & Engels) 295 Prospects of the War (Engels) 299 The Financial Panic (Marx) 303 May Fair Professions (Marx) 307 Austria, Prussia and Germany in the War (Marx) 310 The War (Engels) 315 Highly Important from Vienna (Marx) 320 The War-No Progress (Engels) 327 Fighting at Last (Engels) 532 The Battle of Montebello (Engels) 338 A Prussian View of the War (Marx) 341 The Campaign in Italy (Engels) 346 Strategy of the War (Engels) 349 Mazzini's Manifesto (Marx) 354 June Progress of the War (Engels) 360 Military Events (Engels) 364 The Austrian Defeat (Engels) 368 A Chapter of History (Engels) 37l Spree and Mincio (Marx) 380 The Austrian Withdrawal to the Mincio (Engels) 384 The News from the War (Engels) 380 The Battle at Solferino (Engels) 39l July Historical Justice (Engels) 195 The Battle of Solferino (Engels) 400 Erfurtery in the Year 1859 (Marx) 404 What has Italy Gained? (Marx) 407 On Ernest Jones (from the "Political Review" of Das Volk) (Marx) 410 The Peace (Marx) 412 Introductory Note to the "Memoir on Russia, for the Instruction of the Present Emperor" (Marx) 415 The Treaty of Villafranca (Marx) 416 The Italian War. Retrospect (Engels) 421
I 421
II 426
III 431 Truth Testified (Marx) 435 Invasion! (Marx) 439 The French Disarmament (Marx) 442 Late July-middle of August Quid Pro Quo (Marx) 445
I 445
II 450
III 454
IV 461 August Karl Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, (Engels) 465
I 465
II 472 British Commerce (Marx) 478 Louis Napoleon and Italy (Marx) 482 Population, Crime, and Pauperism (Marx) 487 September Manufactures and Commerce (Marx) 492 Kossuth and Louis Napoleon (Marx) 497 The Future of Italy (Marx) 504 The New Chinese War (Marx) 508
I 508
II 512
III 517
IV 521 To the Editor of The Free Press (Marx) 525 October Electoral Corruption in England (Marx) 526 A Radical View of the Peace (Marx) 532 November Trade with China (Marx) 536 Trouble in Germany (Marx) 540 The Invasion Panic in England (Marx) 545 December Progress of the Moorish War (Engels) 548
I 860 1860 January The Moorish War (Engels) 552 February Savoy and Nice (Engels) 557 The Moorish War (Engels) 561 Savoy, Nice and the Rhine (Engels) 567
I 571
II 579
III 599
IV 601
From the Preparatory Materials Symptoms of the Revival of France's Internal Life (Marx) 613 The Italian War. 1859 (Engels) 615 On the Division of Labour (Marx) 617
Appendices The French Slave Trade 621 Statement by the Editorial Board of the Newspaper Das Volk 622 Gatherings from the Press 625 Note by the Editorial Board of Das Volk 635 Political Review 630
Notes and Indexes Notes 641 Name Index 697 Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature 730 Index of Periodicals 750 Subject Index 755 Glossary of Geographical Names 767
Illustrations Title-page of Frederick Engels' pamphlet Po and Rhine 213 Northern Italy and Switzerland (map) 224-25 The Italian war of 1859 (map) 432-33 Part of a page from Das Volk containing Frederick Engels' review of Karl Marx's work A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy 467 The war in Morocco, 1859-60 (map) 549-50 Title-page of Frederick Engels' pamphlet Savoy, Nice and the Rhine 569
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