Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 19 Marx and Engels 1861 - 1864
Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich
Publisher: Progress Publishers Resource Type: Book
Colonialism, slavery, and the American Civil War.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
Marx and Engels January 1861 - June 1864
German Movements (Engels) 3 The American Question in England (Marx) 7 The British Cotton Trade (Marx) 17 The London Times and Lord Palmerston (Marx) 21 The London Times on the Orleans Princes in America (Marx) 27 The North American Civil War (Marx) 32 The Civil War in the United States (Marx) 43 The Crisis in England (Marx) 53 British Commerce (Marx) 57 Economic Notes (Marx) 62 Intervention in Mexico (Marx) 66 The intervention in Mexico (Marx) 71 Monsieur Fould (Marx) 79 France's Financial Situation (Marx) 82 The Dismissal of Frémont (Marx) 86 The Trent Case (Marx) 89 The Anglo-American Conflict (Marx) 92 The News and Its Effect in London (Marx) 95 The Principal Actors in the Trent Drama (Marx) 101 Controversy over the Trent Case (Marx) 105 Progress of Feeling in England (Marx) 110 The Crisis over the Slavery Issue (Marx) 115 American Matters (Marx) 117 A Slander Trial (Marx) 120 The Washington Cabinet and the Western Powers (Marx) 124 The Opinion of the Newspapers and the Opinion of the People (Marx) 127 French News Humbug.-Economic Consequences of War (Marx) 131 Pro-American Meeting (Marx) 134 English Public Opinion (Marx) 137 More on Seward's Suppressed Dispatch (Marx) 143 A Coup d'Etat by Lord John Russell (Marx) 145 Statistical Observations on the Railway System (Marx) 149 A London Workers' Meeting (Marx) 153 Anti-Intervention Feeling (Marx) 157 On the Cotton Crisis (Marx) 160 English (Marx) 163 The Parliamentary Debate on the Address (Marx) 167 The Mexican Imbroglio (Marx) 172 American Affairs (Marx) 178 The Secessionists' Friends in the Lower House.- Recognition of the American Blockade (Marx) 182 The American Civil War (Marx & Engels) 186
I 186
II 191 An International Affaire Mires (Marx) 196 The English Press and the Fall of New Orleans (Marx) 199 A Treaty Against the Slave Trade (Marx) 202 The Situation in the American Theatre of War (Marx & Engels) 204 English Humanity and America (Marx) 209 The American Civil War and the Ironclads and Rams (Engels) 213 Chinese Affairs (Marx) 216 A Scandal (Marx) 219 A Suppressed Debate on Mexico and the Alliance with France (Marx) 223 A Criticism of American Affairs (Marx) 226 Russell's Protest Against American Rudeness.-The Rise in the Price of Grain.-On the Situation in Italy (Marx) 230 Abolitionist Demonstrations in America (Marx) 233 A Meeting for Garibaldi (Marx) 236 Workers' Distress in England (Marx) 239 A Note on the Amnesty (Marx) 243 Garibaldi Meetings.-The Distressed Condition of Cotton Workers (Marx) 245 Comments on the North American Events (Marx) 248 Bread Manufacture (Marx) 252 The Situation in North America (Marx) 256 Symptoms of Disintegration in the Southern Confederacy (Marx) 260 The Election Results in the Northern States (Marx) 263 The Dismissal of McClellan (Marx) 266 English Neutrality.-The Situation in the Southern States (Marx) 270 Letter to the Editors of the Berliner Reform (Marx) 273 Kinglake on the Battle of the Alma (Engels) 274
I 275
[II] 278
III 281 Artillery News from America (Engels) 289
I 289
II 293 Proclamation on Poland by the German Workers' Educational Society in London (Marx) 296 The English Army (Engels) 298
I 301
II 303
III 309 The Strength of the Armies in Schleswig (Engels) 317 Obituary (Marx & Engels) 320 England's Fighting Forces as against Germany (Engels) 321
From the Preparatory Materials Ground Rent (Marx) 329 Biographical Notes on Wilhelm Wolff (Marx) 335
Appendices Application by Marx for Restoration of His Prussian Citizenship 339 Marx's Statement on the Restoration of His Prussian Citizenship 341 Marx's Statement on the Rejection of His Application for Restoration Of His Prussian Citizenship 345 Answer to Marx's Application for Restoration of His Prussian Citizenship 353 Marx's Application for Naturalisation and Right of Domicile in Berlin 355 Letter from Marx to Police President von Zedlitz 357 Power of Attorney Given by Marx to Ferdinand Lassalle for the Restoration of His Prussian Citizenship 359 To the Directorate of the Schiller Institute 360 Power of Attorney Issued by Marx to Engels to Take Over Wilhelm Wolff's Estate 363
Notes and Indexes Notes 365 Name Index 406 Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature 430 Index of Periodicals 445 Subject Index 450
Illustrations United States of America on the Eve of the Civil War of 1861-65 (map) 32-3 The course of operations in the USA in 1861-1862 (map) 256-7 First page of Engels's manuscript of "The English Army" 299 Beginning of Marx's notes for a lecture on ground rent 331