Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 2 Engels 1838 - 1842
Engels, Friedrich http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/MIA/marx/works/cw/volume02/index.htm http://marx.libcom.org/works/cw/volume02/index.htm http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/cw/volume02/index.htm
Publisher: Progress Publishers Year Published: 1842 Resource Type: Book
Works of Frederick Engels, August 1838-December 1842.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
Works of Frederick Engels August 1838-December 1842
Preface xiii The Bedouin 3 To the Enemies 5 Book Wisdom 6 Letters from Wuppertal 7 To the Bremen Courier 26 Open Letter to Dr. Runkel 27 F. W. Krummacher's Sermon on Joshua 29 From Elberfeld 30 German Volksbucher 39 Karl Beck 41 Retrograde Signs of the Times 41 Platen 47 On the Invention of Printing 53 Joel Jacoby 55 Requiem for the German Adelszeitung 66 Modern Literary Life 71
I. Karl Gutzkow as Dramatist 71
II. Modern Polemics 81 On Anastasius Grun 94 Landscapes 95 Reports from Bremen 101
Theatre. Publishing Festival 102
Literature 104 An Evening 107 Reports from Bremen 112
An Outing to Bremerhaven 112 Two Sermons by F. W. Krummacher 121 On the Death of Immermann 123 Reports from Bremen 126
Rationalism and Pietism 126
Shipping Project. Theatre. Manoeuvres 128 St. Helena 131 Siegfried's Native Town 132 Ernst Moritz Arndt 137 Night Ride 151 The Emperor's Procession 153 Reports from Bremen 155
Ecclesiastical Controversy 155
Relation to Literature. Music 158
Low German 159 Immermann's Memorabilien 161 Wanderings in Lombardy 170
Over the Alps 170 Schelling on Hegel 181 Schelling and Revelation 189 Schelling, Philosopher in Christ 241 North- and South-German Liberalism 265 Diary of a Guest Student 268 Rhenish Festivals 274 Marginalia to Texts of Our Time 277 Polemic Against Leo 281 Alexander Jung, "Lectures on Modern German Literature" 284 Participation in the Debates of the Baden Chamber of Deputies 298 The Liberalism of the Spenersche Zeitung 300 The End of the Criminalistische Zeitung 302 On the Critique of the Prussian Press Laws 313 The Insolently Threatened Yet Miraculously Rescued Bible 326
Canto the Second 334
Canto the Third 344
Canto the Fourth 344 F W Andrea and the High Nobility of Germany 352 Berlin Miscellany 353 Centralisation and Freedom 355 Frederick William IV, King of Prussia 360 The English View of the Internal Crises 368 The Internal Crises 370 The Position of the Political Parties 375 The Condition of the Working Class in England 378 The Corn Laws 380
Letters August 1838-August 1842 1838
To Marie Engels, Aug 28-29 385
To Friedrich and Wilhelm Graeber, September 1 388
To Marie Engels, September 11 390
To Friedrich and Wilhelm Graeber, September 17 392
To Marie Engels, October 9-10 399
To Marie Engels, November 13 402
To Marie Engels, end of December 403 1839
To Marie Engels, January 7 405
To Friedrich Graeber, January 20 407
To Friedrich Graeber, February 19 414
To Hermann Engels, March 11-12 417
To Marie Engels, March 12 419
To Friedrich Graeber, April 8-9 420
To Marie Engels, April 10 423
To Friedrich Graeber, about April 23-May 425
To Marie Engels, April 28 437
To Wilhelm Graeber, about April 28-30 442
To Marie Engels, May 23 447
To Wilhelm Graeber, May 24 - June 15 448
To Friedrich Graeber, June 15 453
To Friedrich Graeber, July 12-27 457
To Friedrich Graeber, after July 27 463
To Wilhelm Graeber, July 30 464
To Marie Engels, September 28 469
To Wilhelm Graeber, October 8 471
To Wilhelm Graeber, October 20-21 474
To Friedrich Graeber, October 29 476
To Wilhelm Graeber, November 13-20 481
To Friedrich Graeber, December 9. 1839 - February 5 1840 487 1840
To Levin Schucking, June 18 494
To Levin Schucking, July 2 496
To Marie Engels, July 7-9 498
To Marie Engels, August 4 501
To Marie Engels, August 20-25 503
To Marie Engels, September 18-19 507
To Marie Engels, October 29 510
To Wilhelm Graeber, November 20 513
To Marie Engels, December 6-9 516
To Marie Engels, December 21-28 519 1841
To Marie Engels, February 18 523
To Friedrich Graeber, February 22 525
To Marie Engels, March 8-11 528
To Marie Engels, April 5 531
To Marie Engels, about the beginning of May 532
To Marie Engels, about the end of August 533
To Marie Engels, September 9 534 1842
To Marie Engels, January 5-6 536
To Marie Engels, April 14-16 539
To Marie Engels 542
To Arnold Ruge, June 15 543
To Marie Engels, July 2 544
To Arnold Ruge, July 26 545
To Marie Engels, August 2-8 546
Early Literary Experiments 1833-1837 To My Grandfather 553 Poem, 1836 554 Poem, probably written early in 1837 555 A Pirate Tale 557 The Single Combat of Eteocles and Polynices 572
Appendices Birth Certificate of Friedrich Engels 577 Friedrich Engels Senior to Karl Snethlage, December 1, 1820 578 Baptism Certificate of Friedrich Engels 580 Friedrich Engels Senior to His Wife Elise, August 27, 1835 581 School-Leaving Reference for Prima Pupil Friedrich Engels 584 Friedrich Engels Senior to Karl Snethlage, October 5, 1842 586 Certificate of Conduct for the One-Year Volunteer Friedrich Engels 588
Notes & Indexes Notes 591 Name Index 621 Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature 646 Index of Periodicals. 662
Illustrations Frederick Engels in 1839 8-9 Pages 208 and 209 of the Gutenbergs-Album containing M. J. Quintana's poem A la invencion de la imprenta and Engels' translation 57 Title-page of Engels' pamphlet Schelling and Revelation 193 Title-page of Engels' pamphlet Schelling, Philosopher in Christ 245 Title-page of Engels' pamphlet The Insolently Threatened Yet Miraculously Rescued Bible 317 Engels' caricature of "The Free", the Berlin group of Young Hegelians 329 Frederick Engels in the 1840s 376-7 Facsimile of Engels' letter to Wilhelm Graeber of April 28-30, 1839 440-1 Facsimile of the beginning of Engels' letter to Marie Engels of December 9,1840 520-1 Facsimile of the end of Engels' letter to Marie Engels of December 520-1 Engels' mother and father 552-3 The house in Barmen where Engels was born 552-3 Cover of Engels' history exercise book 569 Drawing by Engels from his history exercise book 570 The gymnasium in Elberfeld where Engels studied 584-5
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