
Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 5 Marx and Engels 1845 - 1847
Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/MIA/marx/works/cw/volume05/index.htm http://marx.libcom.org/works/cw/volume05/index.htm http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/cw/volume05/index.htm
Publisher: Progress Publishers Year Published: 1847 Resource Type: Book
Includes The German Ideology.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
April 1845-April 1847
Preface xiii Theses on Feuerbach (Marx) [Original version] 3 Theses on Feuerbach (Marx) [Edited by Engels] 6 Feuerbach (Engels) 11 A Reply to Bruno Bauer's Anti-Critique (Marx & Engels) 15 The German Ideology. Critique of Modern German Philosophy According to Its Representatives Feuerbach, B. Bauer and Stirner, and of German Socialism According to Its Various Prophets (Marx & Engels) 19 Volume I. Critique of Modern German Philosophy According to Its Representatives Feuerbach, B. Bauer and Stirner 21 Preface 23 I. Feuerbach. Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlooks 27
[§ I] 27
[1.] Ideology in General, German Ideology in Particular 28
[2. Premises of the Materialist Conception of History] 31
[3. Production and Intercourse. Division of Labour and Forms of Property-Tribal, Ancient, Feudal] 32
[4. The Essence of the Materialist Conception of History. Social Being and Social Consciousness] 35
[§ II] 38
[1. Preconditions of the Real Liberation of Man] 38
[2. Feuerbach's Contemplative and Inconsistent Materialism] 38
[3. Primary Historical Relations, or the Basic Aspects of Social Activity: Production of the Means of Subsistence, Production of New Needs. Reproduction of Men (the Family), Social Intercourse, Consciousness]. 41
[4. Social Division of Labour and Its Consequence: Private Property, the State, "Estrangement" of Social Activity] 46
[5. Development of the Productive Forces as a Material Premise of Communism] 48
[6. Conclusions from the Materialist Conception of History: History as a Continuous Process, History as Becoming World History, the Necessity of Communist Revolution] 50
[7. Summary of the Materialist Conception of History] 53
[8. The Inconsistency of the Idealist Conception of History in General and of German post-Hegelian Philosophy in Particular] 55
[9. Idealist Conception of History and Feuerbach's Quasi Communism] 57
[§ III] 59
[1. The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas. How the Hegelian Conception of the Domination of the Spirit in History Arose] 59
[§ IV] 63
[1. Instruments of Production and Forms of Property, Contradictions of Big Industry] 63
[2. The Division of Material and Mental Labour. Separation of Town and Country. The Guild-System] 64
[3. Further Division of Labour. Separation of Commerce and Industry. Division of Labour between the Various Towns. Manufacture] 66
[4. Most Extensive Division of Labour. Large-Scale Industry] 72
[5. The Contradiction between the Productive Forces and the Form of Intercourse as the Basis of Social Revolution] 74
[6. Competition of Individuals and the Formation of Classes. Contradiction between Individuals and Their Conditions of Life. The Illusory Community of Individuals in Bourgeois Society and the Real Union of Individuals under Communism. Subordination of the Social Conditions of Life to the Power of the United Individuals] 75
[7. Contradiction between Individuals and Their Conditions of Life as Contradiction between the Productive Forces and the Form of Intercourse. Development of the Productive Forces and the Changing Forms of Intercourse] 81
[8. The Role of Violence (Conquest) in History] 84
[9. Contradiction between the Productive Forces and the Form of Intercourse under the Conditions of Large-Scale Industry and Free Competition. Contradiction between Labour and Capital] 85
[10. The Necessity, Preconditions and Consequences of the Abolition of Private Property, Civil Society] 87
[11. The Relation of State and Law to Property] 89
[12. Forms of Social Consciousness] 92 The Leipzig Council 94 II. Saint Bruno 97
1. "Campaign" against Feuerbach 97
2. Saint Bruno's Views on the Struggle between Feuerbach and Stirner 105
3. Saint Bruno versus the Authors of Die Heilige Familie 107
4. Obituary for "M. Hess" 114 III. Saint Max 117 1. The Unique and His Property 119
The Old Testament: Man 121
1. The Book of Genesis, i. e., A Man's Life 121
2. The Economy of the Old Testament 130
3. The Ancients 136
4. The Moderns 144
A. The Spirit (Pure History of Spirits) 148
B. The Possessed (Impure History of Spirits) 152
a) The Apparition 157
b) Whimsy 160
C. The Impurely Impure History of Spirits 163
a) Negroes and Mongols 163
b) Catholicism and Protestantism 170
D. Hierarchy 172
5. "Stirner" Delighted in His Construction 185
6. The Free Ones 193
A. Political Liberalism 193
B. Communism 205
C. Humane Liberalism 232
The New Testament: "Ego" 240
1. The Economy of the New Testament 240
2. The Phenomenology of the Egoist in Agreement with Himself 242
Individual interests & Class interests 245
3. The Revelation of John the Divine 272
4. Peculiarity 301
5. The Owner: 315
A. My Power 315
a. Right 315
1. Canonisation in General 315
2. Appropriation by Simple Antithesis 319
3. Appropriation by Compound Antithesis 321
b. Law 327
c. Crime 336
1. Simple Canonisation of Crime and Punishment 337
a. Crime 337
b. Punishment 339
2. Appropriation of Crime and Punishment Through Antithesis 340
3. Crime in the Ordinary and Extraordinary Sense 343
[B. My Intercourse] 346
[1. Society] 346
5. Society as Bourgeois Society 348
2. Rebellion 377
3. Union 389
1. Landed Property 389
2. Organisation of Labour 391
3. Money 395
4. State 399
5. Rebellion 402
6. Religion and Philosophy of the Union 403
A. Property 403
B. Wealth 407
C. Morality, Intercourse, Theory of exploitation 408
D. Religion 414
E. Supplement to the Union 415
C. My Self-Enjoyment 417
6. Solomon's Song of Songs or the Unique 427 Conclusion to The Unique 429 2. Apologetical Commentary 444 Close of the Leipzig Council 451 Volume II. Critique of German Socialism According to Its Various Prophets 453 True Socialism 455 I. Die Rheinischen Jahrbucher or the Philosophy of True Socialism 458
A. "Communismus, Socialismus, Humanismus" 458
B. "Socialistische Bausteine" 470
First Cornerstone 474
Second Cornerstone 477
Third Cornerstone 480 IV. Karl Grun: Die Soziale Bewegung in Frankreich und Belgien (Darmstadt, 1845) or the Historiography of True Socialism 484 Saint-Simonism 493
1. Lettres d'un habitant de Geneve a ses Contemporains 498
2. Catechisme politique des Industriels 500
3. Nouveau christianisme 505
4. The School of Saint-Simon 504 Fourierism 510 The "Limitations of Papa Cabet" and Herr Grun 519 Proudhon 529 V. "Doctor Georg Kuhlmann of Holstein" or the Prophecies of True Socialism 531 The True Socialists (Engels) 540
Notes & Indexes Notes 585 Name Index. 609 Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature 627 Index of Periodicals 641 Subject Index 645
Illustrations Facsimile of Thesis 11 on Feuerbach. From Marx's notebook 9 First page of the Preface to The German Ideology in Marx's handwriting 25 A page of the manuscript of The German Ideology. From the chapter "Feuerbach" (Discovered in the 1960s) 34 A page of the manuscript of The German Ideology. From the chapter "Feuerbach" 35 A page of the manuscript of The German Ideology. From the chapter "Saint Max" 226 Max Stirner. Drawing by Engels 267 First page of Chapter IV (Volume II) of The German Ideology as published in the Westphalische Dampfboot No. 8, 1847 487
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