Politics Past
Macdonald, Dwight Publisher: Viking Press, New York, USA Year Published: 1970 First Published: 1958 Pages: 376pp Dewey: 322.42 Resource Type: Book
A collection of essays by Dwight Macdonald.
Abstract: Formerly titled Memoirs of a Revolutionary, this book is a large collection of essays by Dwight Macdonald, which bring to light "a whole period of extraordinary confusion and turmoil in American political and intellectual life." Divided into six categories -- "The Responsibility of Peoples," "Looking at the War," "The Cultural Front," "Political Pathology," "Saints," and "By the Way" -- the essays cover a range of political issues with a special focus on the Second World War. They were written over a number of years and, amongst other things, discuss the effects of the actions/ideologies of people like Stalin, Trotsky, Gandhi, Churchill and others.
Dwight Macdonald was a writer, editor, philosopher, social critic and political radical. He wrote for The New Yorker, published more than thirty essays and reviews in The New York Review of Books, started his own journal ("Politics") in 1944, contributed to Esquire as a film critic and supplied movie reviews to The Today Show.
[Abstract by Nabeeha Chaudhary]
Table of Contents
Part I: The Responsibility of Peoples 1. The Responsibility of Peoples 2. Massacre from the Air 3. The Germans - Three Years Later 4. Notes on the Psychology of Killing 5. My Favourite General 6. The Responsibility of Intellectuals 7. Two Footnotes to History
Part II: Looking at the War 8. The Unconscious War 9. C.P.U.S.A. Liquidates Itself 10. Roosevelt's Labour Draft 11. Internationale into Nationale 12. Monte Cassino 13. "Native Politics" 14. Three Worlds 15. Mr Churchill's Spades 16. The Prospects for Revolution 17. Warsaw 18. 'Twas a Famous Victory 19. 1919 v 1944 20. Old Judge Hull and the Refugees 21. Horrors - Ours and Theirs 22. A Japanese Badoglio? 23. The Bomb 24. The Late War: A Trial Balance 25. Stalin's February 9th Speech 26. Truman's Doctrine, Abroad and at Home 27. The Pacifist Dilemna 28. "I Choose the West"
Part III: The Cultural Front 29. Kulturbolshewismus and Mr Van Wyck Brooks 30. Homage to 12 Judges 31. Bureaucratic Culture: Nicholas I and Josef I 32. The Eisenstein Tragedy 33. Alien Corn 34. Liberal Soap Opera 35. Memo to Mr Luce 36. A Way of Death
Part IV: Political Pathology 37. On the Proletariat as a Revolutionary Class 38. Trotskyism I: "The Only Really Moral People" 39. Trotskyism II: Revolution, Ltd 40. A Historic Moment 41. The Death of F D R 42. "People's Capitalism" 43. Curiouser and Curiouser 44. What is Totalitarian Liberalism? 45. The Truth About the UN 46. A Note on Wallese 47. Remarks on the Constitution of the Mongol People's Republic 48. USA v USSR 49. The Great Thaw 50. The Neo-Non-Conservatism, or Notes on a Career
Part V: Saints 51. Gandhi 52. Dorothy Day
Part VI: By the Way 53. The Question of God 54. Too Big
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