
Post Scarcity Anarchism
Bookchin, Murray Publisher: The Ramports Press, USA Year Published: 1971 Pages: 288pp Library of Congress Number: HX228 B58 Dewey: 320.57 Resource Type: Book
Modern radicals, says Bookchin, have ignored the real revolutionary possibilities of modern technology and the counterculture. Unless they start building a movement which looks to the future, they are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
Post-Scarcity Anarchism
Ecology and Revolutionary Thought
Towards a Liberatory Technology
The Forms of Freedom
Listen, Marxist!
A Note on Affinity Groups
A Discussion on "Listen, Marxist!"
The May-June Events in France: 1 France: a Movement for Life
The May-June Events in France: 2 Excerpts from a letter
Desire and Need
c/o Sources
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