Socialist Thought A Documentary History
Fried, Albert; Sanders, Ronald (eds.) Publisher: Anchor Year Published: 1964 Pages: 544pp Resource Type: Book
An anthology of important documents in the history of European socialist thought, from pre-revolutionary France to the 1950s.
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Table of Contents
Chapter I General Introduction
Chapter II Early French Communism 1.Introduction 2.Morelly: Code of Nature 3. Jean Jacques Rousseau Discourse on Ineqality 4."Gracchus" Babeuf a.Letter to Dubois de Fosseux b.Manifesto of the Equals c.Analysis of the Doctrine of Babeuf d.Excerpt from the Trial of Babeuf
Chapter III Utopian Socialism 1.Introduction 2.Claude Henri Saint-Simon: a.Letter from an Inhabitant of Geneva b. The New Christianity 3.The Saint-Simonians: Exposition of the Doctrine of Saint-Simon: First Session; On the Necessity of a New Social Doctrine 4.Charles Fourier: Selected Writings 5.Robert Owen: Discourse Delivered at New Lanark
Chapter IV The Emergence of the Proletariat 1.Introduction 2.Chartism: Crown and Anchor Petition 3.Louis August Blanqui: The Man Who Makes the Soup Should Get to Eat It 4.Pierre Joseph Proudhon: What is Property? 5.Louis Blanc: The Organization of Labor
Chapter V Early German Socialism 1.Introduction 2.Johann Gottlieb Fichte: The Closed Commercial State 3.Moses Hess: The Philosophy of the Act
Chapter VI Marx and Engels 1.Introduction 2.Economical and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 3.Theses on Feuerbach 4.To J. Weydemeyer (March 5,1852) 5.Preface to the Critique of Political Economy 6.Inaugural Address of the Workingmen's International Association 7.To L. Kugelmann (October 9,1866) 8.Engel's Explanation of Capital 9.To F. Bolte (November 23,1871) 10.Engels: Socialism: Utopian and Scientific 11.Engels: To F. Mehring (July 14,1893)
Chapter VII Anarchism 1.Introduction 2.Michael Bakunin: To the International Workingmen's Association of Locle and Chaux-de-Fonds 3.Peter Kropotkin: Mutual Aid 4.Syndicalism: Georges Sorel: Reflections on Violence 5.Guild Socialism: G. D. H. Cole: Guild Socialism Restated
Chapter VIII Revisionism 1.Introduction 2.Ferdinand Lassalle: The Worker's Program 3.Fabian Socialism: Sidney Webb: English Progress toward Social Democracy 4.Jean Jaurès: Idealism in History 5.Alexandre Millerand: Saint-Mandé Program 6. Eduard Bernstein: Evolutionary Socialism 7.Karl Kautsky: The Road to Power
Chapter IX Bolshevism 1.Intorduction 2. Georgi Plekhanov: Socialism and the Political Struggle 3.Vladimir Lenin: a.What Is to Be Done? b.State anf Revolution 4.Karl Kautsky: Dictatorship of the Proletariat 5.Leon Trotsky: The New Course 6.Joseph Stalin: a.The Foundations of Leninism b.On the Problems of Leninism
Chapter X Contemporary Socialism: Two Views 1.Introduction 2.Antonio Gramsci: a.Marxism amd Modern Culture b.The Modern Prince 3.C. A. R. Crosland: The Future of Socialism