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Canada: The Communist Viewpoint

Buck, Tim
Publisher:  Progressive Books, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1948  
Pages:  288pp  
Dewey:  320.5315
Resource Type:  Book

Tim Buck, the national leader of the Labor-Progressive Party, sets out the Communist position on the big questions of Canada's destiny.


Table of Contents


I. Canada's Crisis of National Policy
1. Post-war realities
2. The U.S. Dollar Crisis and National Policy
3. The Betrayal of Our National Independence

II. The Evolution of an Imperialist Power
1. "Up From Five Dollars"
2. The Rise of Finance-Capital
3. "The Geniuses of Finance"
4. The Winning of Canadian Sovereignty
5. The Roots of Imperialist Policy

III. The Crisis of Imperialism And The Danger of a Third World War
1. The rise of the New Democracy
2. Finance-Capital versus Social Progress
3. Twentieth-Century King Canutes
4. There is Danger of a Third World War
5. Who wants a Third World War?

IV. Interests and Parties in Canada's Transition
1. The Politics of Reaction and War
2. The Post-war Parallel
3. They Like the Fascists
4. "Anti-Communist" Means Anti-Labour
5. The Politics of Capitalist Profits
6. Crumbling Capitalist Politics
7. Social Democracy Evades the Issue
8. The Problem Is the Profit System
9. We Fight for Canada

V. The L.P.P. Proposes: A People's National Policy
1. The Future of Canada
2. "National Prosperity" Is Your Job!
3. The National Policy Is Your Business
4. National Development Can Be Planned

VI. The Guide to Working-Class Victory
1. Bourgeois or Working-Class Ideology
2. "A Historical Movement Going On Under Our Very Eyes"
3. The Epoch of Socialist Transformation
4. It's the Task of the Working Class

Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III


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