The Course of Modern Jewish History
Sachar, Howard Morley Publisher: Dell Publishing Year Published: 1958 Pages: 630pp Resource Type: Book
An acount of the Jews from the French revolution to the present day.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
The Jew as Non-European Jewish Self-Government in Western Europe The Price of Jewish Existence in the West Jewish Self-Government in Eastern Europe The Declining World of the East Conclusion
The Glimmering of Dawn in the West The age of Mercantilism The Jews and the Rise of Capitalism The Court Jews The Era of Enlightenment Mosses Mendelssohn and Jewish Enlightenment Mendelssohn's Disciples and Jewish Secularism Conclusion
Emancipation in the West The French Revolution and the Background of Jewish Emancipation Jewish Emancipation 1789-1791 Napoleon Bonaparte and the Jews The Sanhedrin-and Its Price The Ghettos Fall in Europe Conclusion
Incarceration: The Jews of Eastern Europe The Last Days of Poland Hasidism: Polish Jewry's Spiritual Anchor The decline of Hasidism The Russian Captor-and Its Schizoid Monarchs The Constitution of the Jews Nicholas 1:Captor-and Its Schizoid Monarchs The Constitution of the Jews Nicholas1: Government by Barracks Master Uvarov Establishes a School System Conclusion
The triumph of Liberalism The Conservatives Return The Congress of Vienna And Germany Liberalism and the Jews 1848: The Watershed Emancipation Is Completed: 1848-1871 Conclusion
Jewish Economic Life and the Frankfurt Tradition The Impact of the Industrial Revolution The Jews and the Rise of Investment Capitalism The House of Rothschild The Frankfurt Tradition: Internationlization The Frankfurt Tradition: Addiction to Authority The Frankfurt Tradition Intercession From Above The Decline of the Frankfurt Tradition Conclusion
The Impact of Western culture on Jewish Life Coping With Jewishness Preliminary efforts at Reform The Return to History The Rise of "Historical Judaism" Conclusion
The Rise of Jewish Life in the New World The Struggle for Rights in Colonial America The Early American-Jewish Community Immigration from Central Europe The Economic Development of the German-Jewish Community in America Germanism and Americanization Community Organization in the German "Period" of Immigration Religious and Cultural Developments Within the American-Jewish Community Efforts to Unite Conclusion
False Dawn in the East The Accession of Alexander II Alexander II and the Jews: First Phase Reaction Under Alexander II Life in the Pale: The Economics of Living A Holy Life A Process of Learning Life Is With People Conclusion
Jewish Humanism in Eastern Europe Contact With the West The Science of Judaism Prose and Poetry: The Early Years The Age of Reforms Smolenskin: The Pendulum Swings Back The Rise of Yiddish Literature Conclusion
The Emergence of Anti-Semitism Germany: Conservatism Triumphant Why the Jews? Christian Socialism: The Revolt of the Lower Middle Class France: The Revolution Continues The Dreyfus Affair The Rise of Racism The Rise of Racist Splinter Groups Conclusion
Beginning of the End for Russian Jewry The Perversion of Slavophilism The May Laws Nicholas II: The Revolution Lurks Beneath The Revolutionary Epoch Stolypin's Necktie Romania: "Latin Island" Conclusion
The Rise of Zionism The Idea of Nationalism The Idea of Palestine The Rise of Zionism Theodor Herzl Diplomatic and Parliamentary Maneuvers The Great Crisis Palestine Before the First World War Conclusion
The Growth of Jewish Socialism The Jews and Socialism in Western Europe The Beginnings of Russian-Jewish Socialism The Formation of the Bund The Zenith of the Bund The War Breaks The Rise of Bolshevism The Last Phase of Jewish Pauperization Conclusion
The Great Migration and Settlement in America Emigration from the Pale Begins The Dikes Break To "Golden America" The Meaning of the Great Migration The Immigrants Settle America's Jewish Proletariat Conclusion
Russian Jewry's "Liberal" Tradition in America The Beginning of the Jewish Labor Movement The Triumph of Jewish Trade Unionism The Communist Crisis and the Triumph of the New Deal Anti-Semitism in America Jewish Life at Mid-Century Conclusion
The Jews of Eastern Europe Between the Wars Russia: The Trauma of "Collectivization" The Dissolution of Jewish Community Life The Struggle for Minority Rights in Eastern Europe Poland: Successor-State Nationalism The Rise of Polish Fascism Romania and Her Jews Hungary and Revisionist Nationalism Conclusion
The Palestine Mandate The War and the Near East The Balfour Declaration The Structure of the Mandate Building the Jewish National Home The Rise of Palestine Arab Nationalism The Arabs Step Up the Attack Conclusion
The Impact of the Jews on Western Culture The Phenomenon of Jewish Intellectualism Some Characteristics of Jewish Intellectualism: Innovation Respect and Compassion for Life Alienation Jewish Intellectuals and Judaism The Intellectual Reformulation of Judaism Conclusion
The Onslaught of Nazism The Heritage of Defeat Adolf Hitler and the Rise of National Socialism Nazi Anti-Semitism The Anti-Semitic Program in Action The Last Days of Austrian and Czech Jewry Conclusion
Europe Judenrein Hitler Goes to War The Formulation of the "Final Solution" "Antipartizan" Warfare in Russia The Last Days of Polish Jewry The Destruction of Western European Jewry Where Jews Fought Back The SS Makes overtures Conclusion
The Birth of Israel The War and Its Consequences The British Hold Firm Jewish "Illegalism" The Attitude of the United States The United nations Takes Over: Partition Ben-Gurion Creates a State The War of Liberation Conclusion
A "Secondary Ring" of Jewish Communities The Remnant Jewish Community of Western Europe The Britain's Shores To the Commonwealth: Canada South Africa Settlement in Latin America Conclusion
The Growth of the American-Jewish Community German Jewry Maintains Its Domination Confusion and Weakness in the Immigrant Community American Secularism Redirects Jewish Creativity: The Rise of American-Jewish Philanthropy Russian Jews take Over: The Rise of Community Democracy The Resurgence of Deeper Jewish Loyalties Varieties of Religious Expression in America Conclusion
The State of Israel Creating a Government for Israel The Gates are Opened: The Jews in Communist and Arab Lands The Battle for Economic Survival Cultural, Educational, and Religious Problems Israel and Her Neighbors Israel and Nasserism Conclusion
Bibliography Index
MAPS The Pale of Settlement in Western Russia The State of Israel Before and After the War of 1948-1949 World Jewish Population, 1956
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