
The Essential Gandhi His Life, Work and Ideas: An Anthology
Fischer, Louis (ed.) Publisher: Vintage Books, New York, USA Year Published: 1962 Pages: 377pp Resource Type: Book
A selection of Gandhi's writing.
Abstract: The Essential Gandhi is a collection of Gandhi's writings. Excerpts are from his books, newspapers and statements, including: An Autobiography of My Experiments with Truth; Sataygrapha in South Africa; Indian Opinion; Young India; Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule; and From Yeravda Mandir, as well as political letters, public addresses, and speeches. The editor, Louis Fischer, takes pieces of Gandhi's work and binds them together to tell the story of his life.
Gandhi's autobiography did not seek to tell of his life, but of his path to self-actualization and his experiments in self-realization. He searches for truth and believes that he cannot know himself unless he reveals himself. Even his most private confessions are present in his writings, accompanied by his own narration of his political movements. His method and political principles are described with commentary by Fischer. Fischer also provides background information and explanations that make the book more readable from a Western perspective.
The book begins with Gandhi as a boy and his transformation into the Mahatma. In the first section, The Man, he endures failures and develops his method of non-resistance. The section ends with his victory in South Africa. Part 2: The Mahatma includes Gandhi's writings on issues such as freedom, independence, equality, socialism, and the future of humanity. It ends with his untimely death as the last victory.
"Every man has an equal right to the necessaries of life even as birds and beasts have... I hate privilege and monopoly. Whatever cannot be shared with the masses is taboo to me." Gandhi's goals of peace, equality and non-violent discourse permeate his writing.
[Abstract by Mia Manns]
Table of Contents
Part One: The Man 1. Beginnings of a Great Man 2. Gandhi in England 3. Gandhi Fails 4. The Method is Born 5. The Struggle 6. Victory in South Africa
Part Two: The Mahatma 7. Facing the British in India 8. Segregation in India 9. Civil Disobedience Succeeds 10. Murder in an Indian Garden 11. Non-Violence 12. Gandhi's Road to Jail 13. The Power of the Mind 14. National Independence is Not Enough 15. Gandhi's Message to All Men 16. Gandhi's Political Principles 17. Belief and Human Welfare 18. Sex, Sanitation, and Segregation 19. The Liberty March 20. How to Enjoy Jail 21. Fast Against Indian Prejudice 22. Blueprint for a Better Life 23. Gandhi on Socialism and Communism 24. Gandhi About Himself 25. Gandhi's Advice to Negroes 26. Love Versus War and Dictators 27. "Quit India" 28. Independence and Sorrow 29. Last Victory
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