
In Our Backyard A Greater Vancouver Environmental Guide...
Trendell-Whittaker, Peggy Publisher: Whitecap Books Year Published: 1992 Pages: 120pp Price: $8.95 ISBN: 1-55110-040-1 Resource Type: Book
In Our Backyard focuses on environmental problems that apply directly to Greater Vancouver. With detials on local garbage and recylcing facilities, water and energy consumption, sewage disposal, air quality, and more, it is designed to help ordinary people deal with the onslaught of information and value changes that will continue to surround the environmental movement.
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Table of Contents
Introduction 1. Where Does Your Garbage Go? i) Solid Waste Facilities - Transfer Stations - Landfills - Resource Recovery Plants ii)Recycling in the GVRD - Municipalities ii) What You Can Do - Ditch Disposables - Consider Composting - A Pox on Packaging - Paring Down Paper - Turf Your Toxins - Green Your Holidays 2. Water, Water Everywhere i) Where Does Our Water Come From? - The Watersheds - Water Treatment and Quality - Water - Using It Wisely ii) Where Does Our Water Go? - How Your Sewage is Treated - Which Plant Serves You/ - Water - Keeping It Clean iii) Where Does Our Power Come From? - Be Power Smart! 3. The Air Around Us i) Global Warming ii) The Growing Ozone Hole iii) Air Pollution in Vancouver iv) How the GVRD Stacks Up v) Bike, Bus, or Hoof It vi) What Else Can You Do? 4. Green Spaces i) In Our Backyards - Why Grow Organic? - Composting - Growing Without Chemicals - Attracting Wildlife ii) The Space We Share - Major GVRD Parks - Major Provincial Parks - Other Natural Attractions - Be A Good Guest! Afterword Resources Selected Reading About the Author Index
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