
The Jewish Question A Marxist Interpretation
Leon, Abram http://www.marxists.org/subject/jewish/leon/index.htm http://www.marxists.org/subject/jewish/leon/
Publisher: Pathfinder Press, New York, USA Year Published: 1970 First Published: 1946 Pages: 270pp Resource Type: Book
Abram Leon offers a materialist approach to the study of Jewish history.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
Publisher's Foreword Translator's Foreword A Biographical Sketch of Abram Leon Introduction
I. The Premises for a Scientific Study of Jewish History
II. From Antiquity to the Carolingian Epoch: The Period of Commercial Prosperity of the Jews A. Before the Roman Conquest B. Roman Imperialism and its Decline C. Judaism and Christianity D. The Jews After the Fall of the Roman Empire
III. The Period of the Jewish Usurer Relations of the Jews with Other Classes in society A. Royalty and the Jews B. The Nobility and the Jews C. The Bourgeoisie and the Jews D. Relations of the Jews with the Artisans and Peasants
IV. The Jews in Europe After the Renaissance A. The Jews in Western Europe After the Renaissance: The Thesis of Sombart B. The Jews in Eastern Europe up to the Nineteenth Century
V. Evolution of the Jewish Problem in the 19th Century
VI. Contradictory Trends in the Jewish Problem During the Period of the Rise of Capitalism
VII. The Decay of Capitalism and the Tragedy of the Jews in the 20th Century A. the Jews in Eastern Europe B. The Jews in Western Europe C. Racism D. The Jewish Race E. Zionism
VIII. Toward a Solution of the Jewish Question
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