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Meeting the Expectations of the Land
Essays in Sustainable Agriculture and Stewardship

Jackson, Wes; Berry, Wendell
Publisher:  North Point Press, San Francisco, USA
Year Published:  1984  
Pages:  250pp   ISBN:  0-86547-171-1
Resource Type:  Book

Addresses the problems facing agriculture today, such as topsol erosion, lowered water tables, reliance on pesticides, dependence on machinery, the overcapitalization of agriculture, the decline of the rural economy, the energy and dollar cost as well as the health problems associated with commercial fertizlers, the shrinking number of family farms, the increasing dependence on fossil fuels.


Table of Contents


1. The Importance of Traditional Farming Practices for a Sustainable Modern Agriculture
2. Whose Head Is the Farmer Using? Whose Head is using the Farmer?
3. Good Farming and the Public Good
4. The Making and Unmaking of a Fertile Soil
5. Thinking Like A River
6. Energy and Agriculture
7. Industrial Versus Biological Traction on the Farm
8. The Sustainable Garden
9. The Economic Structure of a Sustainable Agriculture
10. Sunshine Agriculture and Land Trusts
11. Innocents Abroad: American Agricultural Research in Mexico
12. The Practice of Stewardship
13. An Agroecological Approach to Sustainable Agriculture
14. Replenishing Desert Agriculture with Native Plants and Their Symbionts
15. Investigations into Perennial Polyculture
16. Good, Wild, Sacred
17. A Search for the Unifying Concept for Sustainable Agriculture

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