
Notebook of an Agitator
Cannon, James P. Publisher: Pathfinder Press Year Published: 1973 First Published: 1958 Pages: 369pp Resource Type: Book
Over 100 articles from the pen of an active participant in the events of thirty years of labor history. Cannon covers the campaigns to save Sacco and Vanzetti, the historic strikes of the 1930s, the Korean War, mcCarthyism, and prize fighting, movies, and the Catholic Church.
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Table of Contents
FOR SACCO AND VANZETTI With All Our Strength for Sacco and Vanzetti! Who Can Save Sacco and Vanzetti? The International Campaign for Sacco and Vanzetti From the Supreme Court of the Capitalists to the Supreme Court of the Laboring Masses A Speech for Sacco and Vanzetti Death, Commutation or Freedom? No Illusions! New Developments-New Dangers Class Against Class in the Sacco and Vanzetti Case The Murder of Sacco and Vanzetti A Living Monument to Sacco and Vanzetti
Frank Little The Cause That Passes Through a Prison The Second Annual Conference of the International Labor Defense Eugene V. Debs C.E. Ruthenberg The Cause of the Martyrs A Christmas Fund of Our Own William D. Haywood Tom Mooney's Appeal A Visit With Billings at Folsom Prison A talk With the Centralia Prisoners
MINNEAPOLIS: 1934 Strike Call of Local 574 "
If It Takes All Summer" Eternal Vigilance Spilling the Dirt - A Bughouse Fable Drivers' Strike Reveals Workers' Great Resources Thanks to Pine County Farmers The Secret of Local 574 What the Union Means
SAN FRANCISCO: 1936 - 1937 Is Everybody Happy? The maritime Strike In the Spirit of the Pioneers Deeper Into the Unions The Color of Arsenic - And Just as Poisonous Four Days That Shook the Waterfront The Champion From Far Away After the Maritime Strike
NEW YORK CITY: 1938 - 1952 Bandiera Rossa Union Boy Gets Raise Finland and Greece Goodby, Tom Mooney! The Tribe of the Philistines A Letter to Elizabeth What Do They Know About Jesus? Think It Over, Mr. Dubinsky The Lynching of "Monsieur Verdoux" The Mad Dog of the Labor Movement The Treason of the Intellectuals A Blood Transfusion Farewell to a Socialist Pioneer A Rift in the Iron Curtain The Two Americas Sixtieth Birthday Speech
A Letter to the President and Members of the Congress Second Letter to the President and Members of the Congress Third Letter to the President and Members of the Congress
THE BIG WHEEL 1. The Mind Molders at Work 2. The Men Who Mold People's Minds 3. What Is a Man Profited? 4. The Writer and the People
To the Men Who Gave Their Skin A Welcome to Visiting Preachers What Goes On Here? Barbary Shore The Incident at Little Rock From Karl Marx to the Fourth of July
THE STALINIST IDEOLOGY 1. Back In the Packing House 2. The Art of Lying 3. The Importance of Loving Stalin 4. The Bureaucratic Mentality 5. The Revolutionist and the Bureaucrat
THE IMPORTANCE OF JUSTICE 1. Speaking of Trials and confessions 2. The Matter of Justice 3. The Dirt on Their Own Doorstep 4. Justice in the U.S.A.
THE PRIZE FIGHTERS 1. Murder In the Garden 2. A Dead man's Decision
CRIME AND CRIMINALS 1. A Petition for Harry Gross 2. Crime and Politics 3. They Strain at a Gnat 4. The Big Swindle
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1. From Hollywood to Rome 2. Church and State 3. The Protestant Counter-Attack
STALINIST AND UNIONISTS 1. Some Chickens Come Home to Roost 2. A Trade-Union Episode 3. The Tragic Story
WHITTAKER CHAMBERS' REVELATION 1. The Informer as Hero 2. False Witness 3. The Informer's Message
Tentative Action on the Civil Rights Front The Battle of Koje Island The Doctor's Dilemma Labor and Foreign Policy How We Won Grace Carlson and How We Lost Her
The Case of the Legless Veteran "The Irrepressible Conflict" In Honor of Laura Gray Notes For a Historian
FASCISM AND THE WORKERS' MOVEMENT 1. Notes on American Fascism 2. Perspectives of American Fascism 3. First Principles in the Struggle Against Fascism 4. A New Declaration of Independence 5. Fascism and the Labor Party 6. Implications of the Labor Party
Joseph Vanzler
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