Problems of Everyday Life And Other Writings On Culture & Science
Trotsky, Leon Publisher: Monad Press, New York, USA Year Published: 1973 Pages: 352pp Resource Type: Book
The focus of this book is the impact of the Russian Revolution of the culture life of the country -- and conversely, the effect of the country's cultural backwardness on the course of the revolution. Among the topics discussed are religion, communications media, language, education, science, industry, cinema, marriage, the position of women, child care, "proletarian" literature, art, philoosphy, primitive rural conditions, the dangers of overspecialization and bureaucracy.
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Table of Contents
1. The Intellectuals Introduction The Formation of the Intellectuals The Different Position of urban and Rural-Type Intellectuals
2. On Education Introduction The Organisation of Education and Culture In Search of the Educational principle
3. Notes on Italian History Introduction History of the Subaltern Classes: Methodological Criteria The Problem of Political Leadership in the Formation and Development of the Nation and the modern State in Italy The City-Countryside Relationship The Moderates and the Intellectuals The Function of Piedmont The Concept of Passive Revolution First Epilogue Material for a Critical Essay on Croce's Two Histories The History of Europe seen as "Passive Revolution"
1. The Modern Prince Introduction Brief Notes on Machiavelli's Politics Machiavelli and Marx Politics as an Autonomous Science Elements of Politics The Political party Conceptions of the World and Practical Stances Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Economism Prediction and Perspective Economic-Corporate Phase of the State Analysis of Situation. Relations of Force On Bureaucracy The Theorem of Fixed Proportions Number and Quality in Representative Systems of Government Continuity and Tradition Spontaneity and Conscious Leadership Against Byzantinism The Collective Worker Voluntarism and Social Masses
2. State and Civil Society Introduction Political Parties in Periods of Organic Crisis Caesarism The Fable of the Beaver Agitation and Propaganda The "Philosophy of "Epoch" Political Struggle and Military War The Transition from the War of Manoeuvre (Frontal Attack) to the War of Position Politics and Military Science Internationalism and National Policy Problems of the "Collective Man" or of "Social Conformism" Sociology and Political Science Hegemony (Civil Society) and Separation of Powers The Conception of Law Parliament and the State Self-criticism and the Hypocrisy of Self-criticism The State Organisation of National Societies Who is a Legislator? Religion, State, Party State and Parties Statolatry "Merits" of the Ruling Classes Historical Belles-Letters "Subversive" "Wave of Materialism" and Crisis of Authority"
3. Americanism and Fordism Introduction Americanism and Fordism Rationalisation and the Demographic Composition of Europe Super-City and Super-Country Financial Autarky of Industry Some Aspects of the Sexual Question Feminism and "Masculinism" "Animality" and Industrialism Rationalisation of Production and Work Taylor and Americanism Quantity and Quality Taylorism and Mechanisation of the Worker High Wages Shares, Debentures and government Bonds American and European Civilisation
1. The Study of Philosophy Introduction Some Preliminary Points of Reference Problems of Philosophy and History
2. Problems of Marxism Introduction Some Problems in the Study of the Philosophy of Praxis Critical Notes on an Attempt at Popular Sociology
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