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Project Censored Canada
Researching The Nation's News Agenda - 1994 Yearbook

Gutstein, Donald; Hackett, Robert
Publisher:  School of Communication, Simon Fraser / Canadian Association of Journalists, Burnaby, Canada
Year Published:  1994  
Pages:  45pp   Price:  $7.00  
Resource Type:  Book

Researching under-reported news stories.


Project Censored Canada: The Background
The Research Process: How the Stories were Chosen and Evaluated
The top 20 Under-Reported Stories of 1993
Project Censored Canada Responds to its Critics
Appendix A - Summary of the judges' comments
Appendix B - Comments from the journalists
Appexind C - summary of student-researcher comments
Appendix D - Suggestions for further reading

The Top 20 Under-reported News Stories of 1993:
Did oil prospects fuel the humanitarian effort in Somalia?
Tories "revamp" 21 year rule and forgive the wealthy millions in taxes
Canada's cozy relationship with Indonesia's human rights violating regime
Business grabs the environmental agenda
NAFTA: A new economic constitution for North America
NAFTA: An agreement forged in secrecy
Corporate, media ties to political power
Forestry in B.C. - the government giveaway to industry continues
Canadian mismanagement and the cod fisheries collapse
Questioning Canada's peacekeeping image: arms exports outpace peacekeeping spending
Is military pollution an overlooked crisis?
Cameco and its weapons connections
Does Pickering's nuclear-generating station lie in an earthquake zone?
Western Economic Diversification fund squanters taxpayers' money
And you thought fillings fixed everything
Alternative sewage treatments get flushed
Hunter-versus-flyer conflict to continue
Automotive journalists play by own rules
The last closet
Taxpayers shell out $232 million for secret animal experiments

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