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A Safe Place
Laying the Groundwork of Psychotherapy

Havens, Leston
Publisher:  Harvard, USA
Year Published:  1996   First Published:  1989
Pages:  162pp   ISBN:  0-674-00086-2
Library of Congress Number:  RC437.5.H39 1989   Dewey:  616.89'14"01--dc20
Resource Type:  Book

Hawkin examines the practice of psychotherapy and psychiatry and asks what allows psychological healing to take place.



Table of Contents

Making a Safe Place
1. My Doctor
2. Freud's Invention
3. Words as Deeds
Reinventing the Interview
4. Talking to a Stranger
5. Reliable Findings
Dangerous Places
6. Anatomy of a Suicide
7. Schizophrenia
8. Psychopathy
Today and Tomorrow
9. Sullivan and the Heart
10. The Future of Healing



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