Workers' Control A Reader on Labor and Social Change
Hunnius, Gerry; Garson, G. David; Case, John Publisher: Vintage Books, New York, USA Year Published: 1973 Pages: 493pp ISBN: 0-394-71862-3 Library of Congress Number: HD5660.U5H8 Dewey: 331.8 Resource Type: Book
Beginning with a push twoard workers' management of the shop and ultimately moving toward control over what is produced, how it is produced and for whom it is produced, workers' control is one of the essential building blocks of a program for social change that would unite the Left and a revitalized labour movement.
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Table of Contents
Editors' Note Foreword: Capitalism and Workers' Self-Management
Part I: The Management of Work: Dissenting Views 1. Living with Automation in Winnipeg 2. The Factory as an Oppressive and Non-Emancipatory Environment 3. Rebellion in American Labour's Rank and File 4. Trade Unionism and Workers' Control
Part II: Beyond Collective Bargaining 5. Beyond Collective Bargaining 6. The Subversion of Collective Bargaining 7. Collective Bargaining and Industrial Democracy 8. A Trade Union Strategy in the Common Market 9. On the Relevance and Future of Workers' Management 10. Industrial Democracy and Recent Union Demands
Part III: Contemporary Models of Worker Participation and Self-Management 11. In Sweden the Byword is Co-operation 12. Industrial Democracy in Sweden 13. Co-Determination in the Federal Republic of Germany 14. Critique of Co-Determination 15. Worker Participation in Israel 16. Workers' Self-Management in Yugoslavia
Part IV: Workers' Control: Strategies for Change 17. Workers' Control is More Than Just That 18. The Debate on Workers' Control 19. Workers' Management: The Intrinsic Issues 20. Workers' Control and the Nixon Economic Programme 21. Is There a "New Working Class
The Politics of Workers' Control: A Review Essay Notes on Contributors and Sources