Just Around the Corner The Paradox of the Jobless Recovery
Aronowitz, Stanley Publisher: Temple University Press, Philadelphia, USA Year Published: 2005 Resource Type: Book
Aronowitz details how U.S. capitalism has achieved higher profits at the expense of the quality and quantity of jobs, and contradicts the ideological justifications that seek to justify deteriorating jobs, showing how they are neither a mark of efficiency nor a merely temporary problem.
Abstract: Aronowitz's analysis of the last 30 years of U.S. economic policies shows how these measures have destroyed the quality and quantity of jobs for workers. Both Republican and Democratic economics have created an economy where unemployment and underemployment are the norm. He argues that this has produced a very negative affect on both the economy and the health of working-class families as they need to work more and more hours to offset the real wage decline, borowing and debt. He challenges both policy makers and economists to find concrete ways to guarantee employment and living wages for all Americans.
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