
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Volume IV: Critique of Other Socialisms
Draper, Hal Publisher: Monthly Review Press, New York, USA Year Published: 1990 Pages: 373pp ISBN: 9780853457985 Library of Congress Number: JC233.M299D7 Dewey: 321.09 Resource Type: Book
Much of Karl Marx's most important work came out of his critique of other thinkers, including many socialists who differed significantly in their conceptions of socialism. Draper looks at these critiques to illuminate what Marx's socialism was, as well as what it was not.
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Table of Contents
Foreword 1. Of Utopian Socialism 1. Accenting the positive (1)... 2. "Scientific socialism" (6)... 3. Uto-pianism (9)... 4. First exposition (14)... 5. The meaning of Utopian socialism (17) 2. Of Sentimental Socialism 1. The meaning of sentimental socialism (22)... 2. The "modern my-thology" (25)... 3. Morality and moralizing (31)... 4. Humanism and the power of Love (34) 3. Of State-Socialism: Lassallean Model 1. Forerunners (41)... 2. The cult of the state (46)... 3. The state-aid nostrum (50)... 4. State-socialism and social-Caesarism (54)... 5. Marx on Lassalle (58)... 6. Marx and the Lassallean movement (61)... 7. Marx's break with the Lassallean party (63)... 8. Lassallean-ism and the Gotha unification (67). .. -Note on the suppression of Marx's critique (70) 4. Of State-Socialism: Bismarckian Model 1. The Bismarck attack (73)... 2. The Katheder-socialists (75)... 3. The crisis in the party (79)... 4. Flashback: Marx on state intervention (82)... 5. On capitalist statification (85)... 6. Argumentation (90)... 7. More consequences of statification (92)... 8. The issue re-fuses to go away (97)... 9. Four illustrative cases (100) 5. Of Anarchism: Proudhonist Model 1. The reservoir of antistatism (107)... 2. Godwin, Stirner, Hess (111)... 3. Watershed: the "ultimate aim" formulation (118)... 4. Interlude: bourgeois anarchism 91210 . . . 5. Anarchism's "disguised state" (126)
6. Of Anarchism: Bakunin Model 1. On the "principle of authority" (131)... 2. Engels on authority (135)... 3. Revolution and authority (140)... 4. The nature of the Ba-kunin operation (144)... 5. Analysis of the Bakunin operation (145)... 6. The nature of the struggle with Bakunin (147)... 7. Bakuninist ideology: the state (152)... 8. Bakuninism: reformist politics (157)... 9. Bakuninism: reformist practice (161)... 10. Bakuninism and "authoritarianism" (164)... 11. The alien ideology (168)... 12. Epilogue: the "Marx-Anarchist" myth (171) 7. Of the Reactionary Anticapitalisms 1. The meaning of "reactionary socialism" (176)... 2. "Feudal social-ism" and the triangular class struggle (178)... 3. The third corner of the triangle (182)... 4. The case of Thomas Carlyle-I (185)... 5. The case of Thomas Carlyle-II (188)... 6. O'Connor to Comte (192)... 7. The case of David Urquhart (196) 8. Of Boulangism: The Politics of the Third Way 1. The political matrix of Boulangism (205)... 2. Socialists and Boulanger (207)... 3. The Guesdist line on Boulangism (211)... 4. Paul Lafargue's Boulangeo-socialism (216)... 5. Engels on Boulangism (219)... 6. Engels' "third way" (222)... 7. The international compli-cation (226)... 8. Antiparliamentarism and opportunism (228)... 9. War and counterrevolution (232)
Special Note A. Lassalle and Marx: History of a Myth 1. Lassalle's character and personality (242) ... 2. The Hatzfeldt case as career (244) ... 3. Friendship: up to 1856 (246) ... 4. Gustav Lewy's mission (250) ... 5. Lewy's expose of Lassalle (253) ... 6. Who broke with whom? (256) ... 7. The myth of the creator (259) ... 8. Engels' campaign against the Lassalle myth (263) ... 9. The Bernstein/Engels critique of Lassalle (266)
Special Note B. Bakunin and the International: A "Libertarian" Fable 1. Preliminary considerations (270) ... 2. Bakunin's first takeover op-eration (274) ... 3. First round at Basel (276) ... 4. Bakunin's destruct-o-clique: the secret Alliance (279) ... 5. Bakunin declares war (284) ... 6. Bakunin's split drive (286) ... 7. Racism and the splitters' campaign (291)... 8. Bakunin's political pogrom of 1872 (295) The great smear campaign (298)... 10. The paladin of lies (300) Special Note C. The Strange Case of Franz Mehring 1. Mehring's Circuitous Road to Marxism (306)... 2. The Sonneman Affair (308)... 3. The Morning After (310)... 4. 1882-A Year of Change (311)... 5. Last Stop (311)... 6. Mehring as a Left-winger (314)... 7. Mehring's Biography of Marx and the 1913 Dispute with Kautsky (315) Reference Notes Bibliography Index
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