The Red Menace: A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter Publication announcement Summer 1977
Publisher: Libertarian Socialist Collective, Toronto, Canada Year Published: 1977 Resource Type: Article
The Red Menace is a libertarian socialist newsletter published by a small collective of people living in Toronto and Hamilton.
Abstract: We believe that capitalism, the social system we live under (in whatever bureaucratic, "mixed", social-democratic, or "free-enterprise" variation) is deeply and fundamentally destructive of individuals, relationships between people and societies. There may be times when it produces progress of some kind, but its overpowering reality is always its warping and crushing of the potentialities of human beings and societies. Our society and its advanced industrial base give us the possibility of creating a world of abundance in which human needs and creativity shape the future. Instead, capitalism gives us chronic poverty and economic crises, war, alienating and meaningless work, commercialized leisure, immovable bureaucracies, a deteriorating natural and urban environment, oppression of minorities (and majorities), chronic social and "personal" problems, sexual frustration, trashy culture - in short, a crazy, miserable world that seems to be going downhill fast, with no one in control....
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