Celebrate life, not death, this Thanksgiving Sources News Release
Publisher: Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals Date Written: 09/10/2008 Year Published: 2008 Resource Type: Article
Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals is encouraging Canadians to celebrate life, not death, this Thanksgiving by trying Tofurky, a tofu-based product.
Abstract: Toronto -- For immediate release: October 9, 2008: The life of a typical Canadian Thanksgiving turkey is not spent joyfully gobbling away on the pasture. Instead, think factory farm.
The bird on the Canadian dining table was hatched in an incubator, never knowing a mother. After hatching, the birdâ##s beak and toes were cut without anaesthetic. â#oThe turkey lived his/her short life crowded in a windowless warehouse with thousands of other turkeys, unable to move without touching another b... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR38.htm
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