Revolutionary Acne Treatment Sources News Release
Publisher: Cosmedicare (Non-surgical Cosmetic Clinic) Date Written: 09/10/2008 Year Published: 2008 Resource Type: Article
cosMEDicare is well known for introducing leading edge technologies, such as introducing ACCENT XL to North America for cellulite reduction and face contouring. Other services include LASER treatments, BOTOX and Restylane injections .
Abstract: Canada's 1st Revolutionary New Technology to Eliminate Acne
TORONTO, ON --Millions of Canadians, of all age groups, suffer from embarrassing and often painful acne. Acne carries a tremendous negative social stigma; treatment can be challenging and potentially risky.
Recently, Health Canada has approved a revolutionary new technology to treat acne painlessly, quickly and effectively. The technology based treatment is called ISOLAZ (Iso- LAYZ) and cosMEDicare, a Toronto non-surgical cosmeti... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR39.htm
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