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Quit Yo-Yo Dieting - Lose Weight Permanently Now
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Feminine Fit Institute
Date Written:  16/04/2009
Year Published:  2009  
Resource Type:  Article

Fitness expert Marci Lall, shares a valuable and free resource for women who suffer from yo-yo dieting and weight cycling.

Abstract:  We live in the day of the "yo-yo" diet, and unfortunately many women find themselves struggling to lose weight, with diet after diet. Often weight is lost and they get results with their diet, only to regain the weight all over again, and sometimes more. While many women are feeling as if they are on a dieting roller coaster, Marci Lall, a certified personal trainer in Toronto has released a new free report on yo-yo diets including top information and strategies on losing weight permanently.

To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR325.htm


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