Economic Downturn Furthers Environmental Action Sources News Release
Publisher: Earth Day Canada Date Written: 20/04/2009 Year Published: 2009 Resource Type: Article
The global economic downturn has revitalized an old sensibility in Canadian homes, the art of prioritizing â##needs vs. wantsâ##. To help, Earth Day Canada offers ways to save money and decrease your impact on the environment every day.
Abstract: TORONTO â## The global economic downturn has revitalized an old sensibility in Canadian homes, the art of prioritizing â##needs vs. wantsâ##. And itâ##s no longer prioritizing a new car versus a tropical getaway. With the unemployment rate reaching 8.0% in March, the highest in seven years, and expected job losses of 50,000 or more in 2009, Canadians have been forced to examine their daily habits in order to save money.
â#oWhat many people are starting to realize is that changing the small t... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR335.htm
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