Authorities step up offensive against journalists and websites Sources News Release
Publisher: Reporters Without Borders/ Reporters Sans FrontiA#res Date Written: 14/05/2009 Year Published: 2009 Resource Type: Article
Reporters Without Borders is concerned about freedom of expression in Bahrain. In the past couple of months, two journalists have been charged because of what they wrote and the information ministry has stepped up Internet filtering.
Abstract: Reporters Without Borders is concerned about freedom of expression in Bahrain. In the past couple of months, two journalists have been charged because of what they wrote and the information ministry has stepped up Internet filtering.
â#oFree expression is under threat in Bahrain as a result of provocative measures and abusive judicial proceedings,â## Reporters Without Borders said. â#oWe urge the authorities to withdraw the charges against these journalists, who were just doing their job, and... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR402.htm
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