Oprah Blames Hormonal Imbalance on Preventing Weight Loss: Expert Explains Hormone Health in Best Selling Book Sources News Release
Publisher: www.helpmeloseweightforgood.com Date Written: 29/05/2009 Year Published: 2009 Resource Type: Article
Dr. Natasha Turner, Naturopathic Doctor And Author Of The Best Seller â#oThe Hormone Dietâ## To Discuss Hormone Health And Weight Loss With Maryon Stewart During Free Telephone Helpline On June 4.
Abstract: London, UK â## May 28, 2009 â## When Oprah Winfrey devotes several consecutive TV shows to a personal issue, her vast fan base is certain to make the issue a popular water-cooler topic of conversation.
In this case, the subject is hormones, and Oprah recently lamented how sheâ##d been â##from one doctor to anotherâ## and was â#otired of traditional doctors telling her that her hormones were within the â##normal rangeâ## and that she was fineâ## -- even though she knew something was wrong. ... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR427.htm
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