Forbidden Words - Cursing and Swearing Sources News Release
Publisher: Diane Craig, President, Corporate Class Inc. Date Written: 21/07/2009 Year Published: 2009 Resource Type: Article
Strong language helps people cope with stress. But what are the repercussions?
Abstract: Earlier this month, Global News asked me to appear on the 6 o'clock news to comment on the social taboo of foul language or cursing and swearing. I was being asked to comment on the etiquette of cursing, an oxymoron if ever I heard one! (Swearing #meaning solemn promise is another subject for another day.)
A recent study by British psychologist Dr. Richard Stephens had just been released, linking the use of four letter words, profanities, vulgarities by whichever name you call... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR506.htm
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