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Metro Vancouver Image Consultant Nominated for President-Elect on International Board of Directors
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Personal Impact International
Date Written:  31/03/2010
Year Published:  2010  
Resource Type:  Article

Metro Vancouver Image Consultant, Kimberly Law was nominated to serve as President-Elect for the Association of Image Consultant International for the 2010-2011 term. The President-Elect#s primary function is preparation for the position of President

Abstract:  #It doesn#t happen every day.# That#s how Kimberly Law, Burnaby business owner of Personal Impact Image Management International, responded to the news that she had recently been nominated by a panel of her peers # members of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) # for the position of President-Elect for the 2010-2011 year. Thrilled with the news, Kimberly acknowledges that the nomination is both an honour and a challenge. The President-Elect#s primary function is preparat...
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