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In the Aftermath of the G20: Reflections on Strategy, Tactics and Militancy

Whyman, Ritch

Publisher:  The Bullet
Date Written:  02/07/2010
Year Published:  2010  
Resource Type:  Article

The tactics of the Black Bloc make it clear that, for them, it is more important to smash windows than to try and march with thousands of workers and engage them in arguments about how to move struggles forward or that the problem is capitalism. How radical is it to trash a few windows? For us, radical is about workers gaining confidence and consciousness to fight back, not just at work, but in solidarity with others. Radical is about developing a sense of mass power, organising based on moving others into struggle, winning others to challenge the power in their workplace or community collectively, beyond the individualization of our society. Radical is about going to the roots of the system - not trashing its symbols.


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