Elin shocked that her life with Tiger was a lie! Sources News Release
Publisher: Marilyn Belleghem Consulting Inc. Date Written: 26/08/2010 Year Published: 2010 Resource Type: Article
Honest trusting people are often easily fooled by smooth liars and Tiger Wood's now Ex-wife is no exception. In her interview with people Magazine she reveals the picture of the typical woman who falls under the scheming plot of a self serving man.
Abstract: Honest trusting people are often easily fooled by smooth liars and Tiger Wood's now Ex-wife is no exception. In her interview with people Magazine she reveals the picture of the typical woman who falls under the scheming plot of a self serving man. Do the charismatic seducers purposefully pick innocent trusting victims to create the image of the stable family man? Years of specific training and direct client experience as well as personal familiarity affirms to Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem M.Ed.,... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR962.htm
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