Election Campaigns: Professionalism and Integrity or Pot-shots and Personal Attacks? Sources News Release
Publisher: CanMediate International, Ruth Sirman Date Written: 23/09/2010 Year Published: 2010 Resource Type: Article
Mayoralty candidates in the Ottawa election campaign will choose how they present their platforms and themselves. Is the strategy of personal attacks and nastiness working? What does it imply for the leader of the next council?
Abstract: It#s election time again and as usual we are being treated to an ongoing level of drama and theatrics that is on par with a good Broadway play. However, the ongoing acrimony between some of the mayoralty candidates in the race for Ottawa mayor is a distraction from the serious issues facing Ottawa citizens and the city. And it#s frustrating for citizens who are looking for solid and credible leadership and clarity on what is planned by each candidate.
But isn#t this just what citizens should ... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR989.htm
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