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When a Shoe Thing is No Longer a Good Thing - When to Say Goodbye to Those Extra Pairs
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Colette Robicheau -- Organizing Consultant and Coach
Date Written:  27/10/2010
Year Published:  2010  
Resource Type:  Article

A shoe thing is more than just having a reasonable amount of shoes to wear, it’s about collecting them and not letting any of them go. Now’s the time to give old boots the boot and kick those broken high heels to the curb once and for all.

Abstract:  Many gals have a shoe thing. A shoe thing is more than just having a reasonable amount of shoes to wear, it’s about collecting them and not letting any of them go. It’s hard to let go of items that have memories attached, cost a lot of money or were a gift from a loved one. Most people, however, do not have enough closet and storage space for shoes that are not being worn. Discard any that are damaged, and donate pairs that are too small or unstylish to you. Now’s the time to give old boots...
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