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Think Inside the Box
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Colette Robicheau -- Organizing Consultant and Coach
Date Written:  07/03/2011
Year Published:  2011  
Resource Type:  Article

Moving house can be a stressful and exhausting process. Follow these six easy steps to relieve some of the stress of the big day.

Abstract:  Moving is a stressful job, but when you’ve been living in the same home for many years it can seem almost overwhelming. With so much to pack, even getting started can be daunting.

Organize Anything has compiled some simple tips to help you make packing an easier task.

1. Sort it. When moving to a smaller place it is impossible to take all your things. The first step is to make decisions on what you will need and want in your new home and let the other things go to charity, to relatives, ...
To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1194.htm


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