IJV Demands That Canada's Mainstream Jewish Groups Condemn Spate of Racist, Anti-Democratic Laws Passed By Israeli Parliament Sources News Release
Publisher: Independent Jewish Voices Date Written: 11/04/2011 Year Published: 2011 Resource Type: Article
IJV says that if Canada's mainstream Jewish organizations really believe in democracy, they will condemn the laws passed recently by the Israeli parliament.
Abstract: Israels friends tout it as the only democracy in the Middle East. But at a time when democracy is breaking out in countries all over the region, Israels Knesset (the country's parliament) has mounted a legislative attack on the fundamental freedoms of its Arab citizens and Israeli Jews who support them, declared Sid Shniad, spokesperson for Independent Jewish Voices Canada.
If they are seriously committed to the fundamental principles of democracy, we expect organizations like the Canad... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1223.htm
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