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The Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA) and KineMedics are proud to announce that June is National Athletic Therapy Month (NATM)
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA)
Date Written:  25/05/2011
Year Published:  2011  
Resource Type:  Article

Throughout the month of June the CATA is committed to raising public awareness on the prevention and management of head injuries (concussions) in sport. The CATA and its members are skilled in identifying head injury (concussions) and implementing ap

Abstract:  May 25, 2011
For Immediate Release:
The Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA) and KineMedics are proud to announce that June is National Athletic Therapy Month (NATM).
The Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA) is a progressive not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and delivery of the highest quality care to active individuals through injury prevention, emergency services and rehabilitative techniques.
Throughout the month of June the CATA is committed to ...
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