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Connexions Archive home page


Publisher:  Connexions Archive & Library, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  2011  
Resource Type:  Website

The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.

Abstract:  The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.

Connexions preserves “alternative” histories that rarely appear in the mainstream record, and makes them available online to a wide public, as well as in physical form to researchers and scholars. Established in 1975, the Connexions Archive preserves and digitally publishes materials spanning more than 50 years of grassroots activism. Connexions is:

* A resource to help the activists and scholars of today and tomorrow connect with and learn from the lives, the work, the writings, and the experiences of prior generations of citizen activists.

* A physical archive comprising tens of thousands of documents, newsletters, magazines, newspapers, posters, brochures, leaflets, books, newspaper clippings, buttons, postcards, audio recordings and other materials.

* An ever-expanding digital archive with more than 20,000 documents and images already available online, and more being added continuously.

* The Connexions Archive is an extremely active “working archive” where volunteers and interns from around the world work together to digitize, abstract, index, and translate materials and make them available online.

* The Connexions website makes materials available to a wide national and international public. The carefully designed multi-level indexing system gives users and activists, students, scholars, and the general public, deeper and more relevant search results when they search for information, ideas, and sources.


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