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Independent Review of Exposure of Workers to Alpha Radiation at Bruce Power Reactor Released
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Radiation Safety Institute of Canada
Date Written:  26/10/2011
Year Published:  2011  
Resource Type:  Article

The independent review by the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada of exposure of workers to alpha radiation at Bruce A Restart, Reactor Unit 1 has been completed and released. http://www.brucepower.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/RSIC-Final-Report

Abstract:  Bruce Power, which operates one of the largest nuclear power plants in North America, has been engaged for a number of years in the refurbishment and restart of two dormant nuclear reactors at the Bruce A Nuclear Generating Station.The project is called Bruce A Restart and includes the refurbishment of CANDU® Reactor Units 1 and 2.

During the period November 24 to December 21, 2009, a number of building trades workers were engaged in the cutting and grinding of feeder pipes in one part of th...
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