Doctors and Lawyers to Duncan: Tax us. Ontario is worth it. Sources News Release
Publisher: Omar Ha-Redeye (Lawyers for Fair Taxation) Date Written: 28/03/2012 Year Published: 2012 Resource Type: Article
Doctors and lawyers join forces to object to Ontario's budget.
Abstract: TORONTO - Groups representing doctors and lawyers today decried Ontario Treasurer Dwight Duncan's austerity budget. Dr. Gary Bloch a downtown Toronto family doctor speaking on behalf of Doctors for Fair Taxation expressed alarm of cuts to needed programs and services. "Freezing social assistance and housing programs will lead to more diabetes and heart disease. I urge the Ontario government to reconsider its budget, raise taxes on the province's highest earners, and spare the axe." "Almost al... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1562.htm
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