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The Eulogy for Email
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Randall Craig, Social Media and Networking Expert
Date Written:  25/07/2012
Year Published:  2012  
Resource Type:  Article

If you are like most people who are flooded with junk mail, email has completely overstayed its welcome. In five years email will no longer exist, but what arrives in its place offers something revolutionary.

Abstract:  Toronto - Email is so ubiquitous today that the novelty has worn off. In fact, if you are like most people who are flooded with junk mail, email has completely overstayed its welcome.

"Any organization that uses email to market or provide customer service will begin to question the effectiveness of the channel, " says Randall Craig, Social Media and Web strategist, and author of the Online PR and Social Media series. "Will it go the way of the FAX, Telex machine, or the horse-and-buggy?"
To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1691.htm


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