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Withdraw coercive flu shot policy: nurses
Sources News Release


Publisher:  BC Nurses' Union
Date Written:  14/11/2012
Year Published:  2012  
Resource Type:  Article

The BC Nurses' Union is demanding BC health employers immediately withdraw their punitive policy on flu shots for healthcare workers, in light of scientific reviews questioning the credibility of the studies they're using to justify it.

Abstract:  Nurses demand withdrawal of coercive flu shot policy

Recent scientific reviews are questioning the credibility of the studies being used to justify the policy

The BC Nurses' Union is demanding BC health employers immediately withdraw their punitive policy on flu shots for healthcare workers, in light of scientific reviews questioning the credibility of the studies they're using to justify it.

In a devastating letter in today's Vancouver Sun, a representative of the UK-based Cochrane Co...
To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1786.htm


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