Nurses to Fraser Health: Come clean on drug company ties, funding for flu vaccine study Sources News Release
Publisher: BC Nurses' Union Date Written: 30/11/2012 Year Published: 2012 Resource Type: Article
The study involving Novartis Pharmaceuticals is headed up by Fraser's chief medical health officer, a key figure driving the policy to force healthcare workers to take the flu vaccine or wear a mask
Abstract: The study involving Novartis Pharmaceuticals is headed up by Fraser's chief medical health officer, a key figure driving the policy to force healthcare workers to take the flu vaccine or wear a mask
Nurses want to know what money and benefits Fraser Health is accepting from a major flu vaccine manufacturer for a study on the effectiveness of one of its vaccines on the elderly.
The study is headed up by Dr. Paul Van Buynder, Fraser's chief medical health officer, a key figure driving the ... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1795.htm
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