Nurses are encouraged with Throne Speech plan on seniors, primary healthcare Sources News Release
Publisher: BC Nurses' Union Date Written: 12/02/2013 Year Published: 2013 Resource Type: Article
But they wonder about the depth of the government's commitment to improved patients' services and the social determinants of health, when balancing the budget seems to be its number one priority
Abstract: Nurses are encouraged with Throne Speech plan on seniors, primary healthcare
But they wonder about the depth of the government?s commitment to improved patients' services and the social determinants of health, when balancing the budget seems to be its number one priority
Nurses are encouraged today's Throne Speech confirms the provincial government is moving ahead with legislation to establish a seniors' advocate and points toward improvements to rural and primary healthcare.
"These are... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1830.htm
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